Want to sharpen your TV media mix? Explore niche channels with richer TV consumption data for better ROI opportunities
Understand audience content preferences, high impact time slots, reach, and impressions. Leverage hyperlocal TV viewership insights by mapping users accurately based on city or state levels, and socio-cultural belts within a locality. Gather in-depth analysis for smaller channels which have inadequate data often reflected as null spots.
Recognize and understand your TV audiences like never before

Hone your media plan

Estimate your TV impact

Know your audience
TV Viewership Analytics
Content Performance Against your Competitors
Find the reach (number of people watched it) and impressions (number of times they watched it) for your channel or show for different time-slots, both on weekdays and weekends. Compare these metrics against your competitor channels and shows.
Geographic Analysis
Identify towns, cities and states which had lower reach compared to competitors. Based on the data, improve content or change programme time-slots to increase viewership.
Promo Viewership Analytics and Conversion Measurement
Estimate the success of your promotional videos (for a movie, show or a broadcasted event) by identifying promo viewers and how many among them converted into show viewers.
Dropout Analysis
Identify viewers who stopped watching a movie, show or channel and segregate them by demography (age, gender) and affluence levels.

Integrate TV and Mobile Engagement Strategy
Leveraging cross-screen technology to boost TV viewership is now made easier. We provide a fully programmatic and second screen services to allow advertisers to deliver coordinated ads on viewers’ mobile devices simultaneously with commercials running on their televisions. This is one of the compelling methods for reaching viewers as they shift their attention from the TV screen to their smartphone, tablet or laptop during commercial breaks.
Acquire new Viewers
Target promos to people who tend to watch specific genres or competitor shows and channels on a regular basis.
Maintain Loyalty and Grow Attribution
Target regular viewers of a particular show or channel with promos in order to keep them hooked.
Win back dropouts
Do not miss out people who stopped watching a show or channel and target them with enticing promos.

LAX (Live Ad Exchange)
Are you up to facilitate the new way of consuming TV? We enable streaming media to any kind of device, in any format and at any time and our solutions are designed to give your viewers an amazing viewing experience.
Glitch-Free viewing with Personalized Ads and at any scale.
We can help you design, build and operate your OTT TV delivery system at ease. Delivering OTT TV has made easier that’s better to watch and better to operate.
Launch Linear OTT Channels
The LAX product is an automated ad detection and OTT dynamic ad insertion platform that enables content publishers (OTT’s) to effectively monetize live linear OTT channels. Our platform is based on server-side ad insertion technology that is capable of inserting personalized ads, which does not require any customization to the streaming applications on the user’s device.
We help you deliver a “better than broadcast” experience to your clients for a big live OTT event, whatever the scale.
Access unbiased, seamless slot booking, evidence-based insights that save you time and help you make marketing choices that work!
Advertise a custom TV or Radio or Cinema commercial now with a scheduling option using nothing more than a laptop or a smartphone. Broadcasters of any kind can now use our online scheduly tool to create or upload advertisements and create a customized broadcast schedule.
The product targets small businesses that market online because usually customers believe TV advertising is too expensive or difficult to create. Customers are allotted a certain amount of air time for local advertising every hour.
Scheduly allows businesses to customize their ad scheduling on multiple fronts. Users can select a geographic area, designate a target audience and enter a budget based on their preferences. The scheduling tool of the advertising campaigns is very powerful, but incredibly simple and easy to use. The tool facilitates auto creation of the campaign media plan and auto price calculation in accordance with the Broadcaster Channel pricing standards (sale of Rate Points included).
Further this leads to programmatic CTV (connected TV) experience!

Commercial Campaigns
Auto scheduling of the advertising campaign Media Plan and auto price calculation based on the Channel pricing standards.

We provide a strong security system managing the users. All of the user’s activities are secured and saved in a log.

Auto Functions
Auto functions are designed to offer incredibly fast creation of the playlists that meet the TV channel planned durations.
Our most advanced Ad schedule broadcast software has plenty of unique features that directly affects the efficiency and could increase the sales of commercials. Get access to our much more FASTER and much more EFFICIENT work than any other competitive solution!